
Cloudflare 将为您实时演示 Zero Trust 的最新创新,讨论如何在您的 Zero Trust 旅程中利用 Cloudflare。 立即注册


Cloudflare Zero Trust 提供安全保护而不损害性能

您的员工队伍已经扩大,现在还包括远程员工、承包商和供应商。所有人都需要能够安全访问内部应用程序和工具 - 无论他们在地球上的哪个地方。

Cloudflare Zero Trust 支持无缝、基于身份和上下文的应用程序访问和软件定义的安全性,使您能够在不牺牲性能或用户体验的情况下保护远程团队、设备和数据。


Legacy security tools don’t scale

The larger and more distributed your workforce becomes, the harder it is to secure remote users, devices, and data. Legacy security tools, like hardware firewalls and VPNs, are not built to handle hybrid infrastructure, remote teams, or a constantly-evolving threat landscape.

VPNs impact performance

By design, VPNs trombone all traffic to and from central on-premise appliances. Even when everything runs smoothly, global teams still experience latency when accessing internal tools and data — not only affecting productivity, but user experience as well.

Users are vulnerable to security threats

Remote employees use a wide range of devices — from work-issued computers to personal phones and tablets — to access company resources. Without proactive threat protection in place, IT departments lack the visibility and ability to safeguard these employee devices from cyberattacks.

Expand your security perimeter to fit your workforce

Hardware limitations shouldn’t dictate the strength of your security posture. As your remote workforce expands beyond on-premise offices and devices, you need security tools that can scale alongside it.

Swap slow VPNs for a global edge network

Modern enterprises require solutions capable of securing user access to on-premise, cloud-based, and SaaS applications from any location. Eliminate the headache of maintaining slow, outdated VPN infrastructure by authenticating and securing employee tools using a global edge network — accessible from wherever your users are located.

Protect all applications with Zero Trust access policies

The Zero Trust model requires user identity and multiple contextual factors to authorize access, making it difficult for attackers to impersonate employees and gain access to internal resources.

演示:使用 Cloudflare Zero Trust 保护远程员工

在这段四分钟的演示中,了解管理员如何使用 Zero Trust 规则轻松而安全地将远程员工连接到应用程序,实现应用程序访问和互联网浏览。您将看到管理员的策略管理体验,以及最终用户在通过 Cloudflare 连接时的体验。

Cloudflare 如何保护远程团队
Cloudflare Zero Trust 由一个遍布全球 250 个城市的全球网络支持,可帮助保护远程团队、设备和企业应用程序,但不会降低性能或引入复杂的管理系统。

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Cloudflare Access places our global edge network in front of your internal applications, eliminating the latency issues remote users often experience with VPN clients. With Zero Trust access controls, every request to your applications is evaluated for user identity and device context before it is authorized.

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Cloudflare Gateway secures every connection from every user device, no matter where in the world they’re located. Our powerful policy engine allows you to inspect, secure, and log traffic from corporate devices without suffering performance degradation.

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了解 Cloudflare 如何为所有线上和线下用户降低风险和增加可见性。无论您的组织是成熟的企业,还是数字原生公司,均可探索实现安全现代化的关键用例和路线图。





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